Monday, February 1, 2010

day thirty two.obedience

Little L started and ended the day the same way.

chomping, chomping, chomping

K loves to pose for the camera. it's so hard to get a photo of her when she's unaware that i'm there with my camera.

for instance.

those blue eyes!
neither B nor i have blue eyes.

my little ballerina.
oh, not the right kid.

my little ballerina.

during one of many timeouts today, D slammed his door. so, B removed the door to the big kids' room. this way there wasn't anything to slam. my parents did the same thing for me when i was 14 years old. you can read more about that on page 19 in here. and yes, i am concerned that D is doing this and he's only four.

of course, as bedtime was nearing, we realized the door was still off. so, B promptly put it back on explaining that he had hoped D learned his lesson. of course, D much preferred having his door off so after begging B to leave it on, he started acting up hoping to get it taken away again. as i type this, the door is firmly back in place and all three kids are sound asleep (and it's only 7:21pm).

this beautiful mess is what one little boy did in response to
B taking the door off.

chomping, chomping, chomping

it's so amazing how my desire is for D to be obedient to B and me and yet i so easily forget how difficult it is
for me to be obedient to God.

something that B read to me today which i found inspiring:
"self-control is the most exhilarating of pleasures."
William F. Buckley Jr.'s Let Us Talk of Many Things

something even more inspiring:
"If you love me, you will obey what I command."
John 14:15


  1. I totally remember when Tom read about your door being taken away in Bob's book. It was one of many historical moments he shared while reading Bob's book. It sounds like something we will keep in our back pocket just in case we have a door slammer.

  2. Hi, Hillary... your door story reminds me of my 15 year-old student who lost his door last fall after mouthing-off to his dad one too many times. He was so desperate to get his door back that he would go out into his side yard at night to visit the it! It pained him to imagine skunks and opossums scurrying around his door. He even wrote an essay about it... and got an A. The door came back at Christmas time, and he admires his parents for setting the boundaries... such a happier lad is he! xo, Jeanniemom

  3. I removed Christopher's door for the same reason over a year ago. Unfortunately the door became broken while waiting to be reinstalled, a replacement was bought and sits in the garage to this day! I guess I'm forgetful, but its been a slam-free house for over a year!

  4. Hey Hillary! I love your blog. and we so identify with your current challenges with D - we have similar challenges with our intense, passionate, opinionated (and of course totally wonderful) D. A promise from God's word that I have long clung to: Discipline your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul. Proverbs 29:17

    Margaret Cate
