Sunday, January 31, 2010

day thirty one.robots

today was robot day.
what is robot day, you may ask?
a little something i came up with while not sleeping last night (thanks to L).

D coloring his robot he named "red."
(yes, he used a blue marker to color the robot.)

K scribbling on, i mean coloring her robot.

my two robots.
K's hat looked a little viking-ish but she didn't seem to mind.
the costumes lasted for about three and a half minutes.

then, a foil snowball fight ensued.
robot plates.

as you can see, broccoli was a big hit.

i received this ransom note which read:
"mom, can you please tell me when rest time is over?"

we worked on self-portraits.

apparently, some heard me say "draw on self"

we played house.

i shot some scrumptious eyelashes.

then, i got caught.

one month down.
one to go.
(i hope).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

day thirty.jumpy

L took his first nap at 8:22am.
yes, it was that early.

B made pancakes.
d e l i c i o u s

we got the jumper out for L.
he seems mildly amused.

B took the kids outside to play while i cooked up some baby food. here is the broccoli steaming.

all three kids were awake while i took a nap.
don't you worry, B was watching them.
and yes, you guessed it... he's playing golf tomorrow.

i can't believe we're not quite to the half way mark yet.

Friday, January 29, 2010

day twenty nine.toto

we got a new toilet today.
a toto.
apparently, it will rock my world.
i already love that
1.) we didn't have to pay for it (thanks owners!)
2.) the lid opens and closes so quietly.
it was extremely exciting for D and K to watch it get installed.
i would have taken a photo but i was running around the house like a crazy momma trying to get the three kids out of the house for the day (which i haven't done in twenty nine days) for some other work that was to be done.

my parents have a little place they they come to on weekends, which is just up the road. it was great to have a place to go to that wouldn't require us to come into contact with the outside world.
i know that i am going to have a hard time transitioning back into real life when this hibernation thing is over. oh well, not going to think about that quite yet!

L is really taking to his pureed squash. here he is helping Papa.

K was thrilled to find out that her shirt (thanks E!) said "bella" on it. although, she calls the new dog "bewa."

my parents' place has so much modern artwork. the painting here fascinated D and i kept finding him
standing on the chair touching it.

the kids loved playing chase with bella. i think the dog was not wanting to play the game but just kept running away from them. oh well, it worked.

i tried taking a nap with L today. this photo is from when he decided it would be more fun to coo than to drift off to dreamland, even though i was
when he eventually did fall asleep, we both took a delicious nap.
i would have taken photos while he was sound asleep, but i was sound asleep... and if i took photos, then it wouldn't have been a nap, would it.

B and i got to go out on a real date tonight. we can't remember the last time we went out without even bringing L. when you can't remember a detail like that, you know it's been too long.
we had so many things to celebrate.
so many prayers answered.
we are truly blessed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

day twenty eight.blurry

my parents came to watch
all three kids
again today so that i could go to my Bible class.
there's something so spectacular about parking a car
and then just getting out of it.

my mom treated me to a luxurious pedicure today.
and what did i do while enjoying every single moment of it,
you ask?
i emailed a friend about poop.
L's poop to be exact.

this is bella. she is my parents' new dog. she looks like a stuffed animal. a teensy tiny one. i think D and K don't realize that she is a real live dog.

this shot kind of beautiful in a completely out of focus way.

this is L as K is attempting to "wrap him up like a baby"
a.k.a. smother him with the blanket.

this is L giving me that "mommy, help me!" look
as K is driving her car up his tummy.

and this, this is just the cuteness look he gives me
(except when he's cranky).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

day twenty seven.the scoocher

Uncle Spencie came to play with the kids today.

L is doing a great job at scooching all over his blanket.

without any help, here is how he ended up (he's still smiling).

K with her fabulous outfit, headed outside.

D, busying himself by making art

our big tree has
f i n a l l y
lost all of its leaves.

her curls are incredible. her hair looks this good even without having a bath for a couple days.
i'm so jealous.

during K's (supposed) nap today, i heard some talking. when i went to check on her she was reading books in her pack 'n play. the only thing is that i didn't put any books in her pack 'n play when i put her down for a nap.
well, at least she's self-sufficient.

L and me. why is he so serious?

one of the best parts of the day:
when my hands are empty and B's hands are full.

p.s. i feel so lost without my camera.
sorry iphone, you just don't cut it.
good things the parents are bringing theirs tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

day twenty six.error 99

after watching the kids this morning
(and yesterday morning, and tomorrow morning)
while i tour preschools, B says to me "three kids is really hard."
why he thought he needed to share that with me...
i am completely aware of how difficult three kids are.
but, i'd still like another one or two more.

this is B right before i was about to leave this morning. maybe it was the thought of me being gone for a few hours.
or, maybe it was the curious george book K was reading to him.

D and i were lying on the couch this afternoon and i looked up at our tree in the front yard. for the first time this season, it looked like winter outside.

D convinced me to let him open the window for a few minutes so he could feel the chilly air on his face.

that's all the photos for today because:
boo hoo.
my camera is not working.
i am getting error 99 when i try to shoot.
i've googled it and tried all of the suggested things,
but nothing.
it's going to have to be serviced.
the good news is that my parents live really close to the official service center (and have so kindly offered to take it in for me) and, they've offered to let me use their camera for the time being.

Monday, January 25, 2010

day twenty five.hands are not for hitting

the day started out great.

we made MORE valentines with heart shaped sponges

and letters

with red paint,

pink paint

and purple paint.

we busied ourselves until lunchtime

and we talked about love
and the greatest love ever
(which comes from Jesus).

and L looked cute on his blanket
(which he let me put him there for approximately
four and a half minutes the entire day long).

then things started to go sour.
i was impatient.
L was cranky.
K was being two.
D was rambunctious.

K refused her nap (even in her pack 'n play) and
somehow got out of it all by herself.
i couldn't even make a phone call without the kids going all bonkers and hurting each other.

lots of crying.
lots of tears.
lots of time outs.
i even had to read this to a certain two year old girl who
shall remain initial-less.

but then,
B came home and saved the day (as usual) and
K was fast asleep by 6:18pm.
she was really really tired.
and so i am.
but, i was really really tired when the day started.

the end.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

day twenty long, farewell

this morning, B brought out his guitar and played some
worship music while we all sang along.
it was simply wonderful.

the kids were in complete awe at their dad's talent.

L couldn't stop chewing on his favorite friend.

a delicious little photo

my little sweetness

one happy little guy on his aunt's lap

saying "so long, farewell" to the cousins who dropped off dinners
(all the kids stayed in the car)

K helping me prepare some summer squash for L
(yes, i am aware that we are in winter)

the glorious sunset we were treated to