Wednesday, January 20, 2010

day twenty.mug shot

i knew i needed to have planned crafts for today. i needed to make about 17 phone calls. unfortunately, D and K were finished with the two crafts by 10:32am. and do you want to know how many phone calls i made?

we made our own paste.
both kids were a bit confused as to why we didn't just use glue.

stirring and stirring.

gluing tissue hearts.
(if you get one, act surprised!)

we were (slightly) productive today. the kids and i hung hooks in their bedroom. then, D made a list of all the things we would hang on them (tutus and rain jacket).
yep, that about covers it.

this afternoon, we turned down the lights in the big kids' room, put all of our heads down on a blanket and watched the airplane go around and around and around.

L even loved it.

in flight.

in shadow.

D took this photo. looks a bit like a mug shot.
well, at least i'm mugging.

thank you K, for this lovely photo of our alphabet puzzle.

D made 2 houses. "one that's red. one that's blue. they have telephone wires that go up to God and He sees the messages with His eyes. and He reminds the messages to go to the people. it means that God loves people."

i was tired today. and grumpy. those two usually go hand in hand.
i'm glad the day is done (well... almost, as D took a nap and is now sitting next to me on the couch as i type this. he should have been fast asleep over an hour ago.).

when i put D to bed (the first time) tonight he said,
"wait! there's something i need to tell you...
why do we always have dinner?"

goodnight i said to him and goodnight i say to you.


  1. I get it on the craft front! With the promise of major rain this week, I hit Michaels on Sunday to stock up. Well, but Monday afternoon we almost exhausted my $65.00 Michaels Spree!!!

  2. Can't you just see D being forced to eat another bite of pasta, thinking to himself, "Why are we doing this? We do it every night! I should ask mommy sometime."

    Of course, that's something you'll never hear from K.
