Monday, January 4, 2010

day was not the perfect day

today was one of those days.
you know what I'm taking about. one of those days when your husband comes home from work and when he asks you how your day was you sigh and say "oh, it was fine." then you find yourself scanning images from different moments of the day in your head attempting to grasp at something that does not include wiping endless hands, faces, bottoms, spills... or the moment while you were on a necessary (i.e. not fun) phone call and you hear numerous puzzles being dumped by your two-year-old in the other room. there was one funny moment of the day. when the not-so-patient man on the phone asked for my 759 digit account number, the cranky baby i was holding let out a cry and the man said "what was the account number?" as if the cry was my attempt to give him the account number he was asking for.

here is said cranky baby. thanks, iphone.

by the way, what about being on the phone makes kids go completely bonkers? it's like when you bake a chocolate cake.
i swear, just the fumes alone of all that sugar seem to wire their little bodies.

today was one of those days where you feel like you just
can't. quite. catch. up.
at moments, you'd be close but then it would just slip away again. mondays are generally hard but for some reason the first monday of the entire year seems to add much more pressure
than the typical monday.

today was one of those days where there wasn't much to take photos of except the unbelievable mess that your two and four-year-old somehow made in the couple of minutes that you were putting the cranky baby to sleep.

today was one of those days where you weren't that disappointed when you realized only at the very end of the day that your memory card was not put back into your camera from the night before and the four semi-okay photos you took today are now only images in your head.

you wouldn't have wanted to see the mess anyway. it would have just depressed you.

thank goodness i did capture this photo of D's tiger.

today was one of those days where i wasn't dressed by noon and even then it didn't seem super urgent.

today was not the perfect day.
but that's okay because yesterday was.
and, there's always tomorrow.

because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
lamentations 3:22-23


  1. You can be quite funny! Very amusing! I loved it!! I even laughed out loud!!

  2. Sounds like you could use a bit of a break - Papa needs some gkiddo time too!
