not only did B let me sleep in until 8am,
he also said he'd watch the kids while i took a bath. what a luxurious way to start the day.
it's so rare for me to bathe in the morning...
it's so much easier to do that at night while the children sleep.
apparently at breakfast (i was still in bed), K asked for a rice cake with peanut butter and banana on top. i had a pb and banana sandwich yesterday for lunch. she makes my heart melt.
we did a lot of puzzles today. the kids actually worked together
in putting this one together.
mr. cuteness
i hope this photo makes you laugh out loud like it did to me
a beautiful abstract photo that K took
i opened K's purse to find a pretend cell phone inside
i had to glue a propeller back onto this airplane today
D took this one
and this was a self-portrait he took using my camera remote.
last night, a sweet friend dropped off a huge empty box for the kids.
D enjoyed drawing on it with chalk.
while K enjoyed eating another rice cake inside of it. every time i came outside to check on them, she asked me to close the box.
while K and D were playing outside and she came inside to throw something away. her nose needing wiping and i said, "did you sneeze?" she said yes. only mommies would recognize the difference between a runny nose
and a nose that had just sneezed.
how gross is that.
the big news around our house today was that K took a nap in her big girl bed! it's always been too big of a temptation for her not to get out of her bed. i was not sad to say goodbye to the pack 'n play -- back in the closet you go!
B and i are off to have a much needed date night (at home).
he also said he'd watch the kids while i took a bath. what a luxurious way to start the day.
it's so rare for me to bathe in the morning...
it's so much easier to do that at night while the children sleep.
in putting this one together.
last night, a sweet friend dropped off a huge empty box for the kids.
while K and D were playing outside and she came inside to throw something away. her nose needing wiping and i said, "did you sneeze?" she said yes. only mommies would recognize the difference between a runny nose
and a nose that had just sneezed.
how gross is that.
the big news around our house today was that K took a nap in her big girl bed! it's always been too big of a temptation for her not to get out of her bed. i was not sad to say goodbye to the pack 'n play -- back in the closet you go!
B and i are off to have a much needed date night (at home).
I read this late tonight! So many things just made me chuckle! Very entertaining! Great photos of the kids. Glad to hear the pack n play is back in the closet!!! Wahoo! more room for the kids ot play! That K is growing up!! Loved that D & K were working on the puzzle together. That top photo of L is amazing! What a cutie pie! What a wonderful way to end my birthday! Good night!