Thursday, January 7, 2010

day seven.macamoni

i was able to attend my Bible class, CBS today all by my lonesome.
and, it was wonderful.
my sweet parents usually watch L because i'm not comfortable with him being in the nursery anywhere quite yet. but today, they willingly watched all three kids! i am grateful to them for allowing me such meaningful time out of hibernation. attending this completely refueled me and although i would have loved to go to coffee with a friend during this time away, this was absolutely, exactly what i needed.

here's L smiling at his little lambies that hang above his crib
(thanks for the photo, dad).

sweet little L has been giving us (and by us i mean B and me) a very rough time at night since we returned from the hospital. after briefly mentioning it to my college roomie Auntie L, she gave me the encouragement that i needed... and a plan. it's so wonderful how you can share your parenting woes with fellow mommies and within thirty seconds have a new plan. i always love a new plan. i am hopeful that tonight will be a better night for us all.

here is D with his "double decker Chinese bus."
i have no idea where he got this idea but think its wonderful.
(thanks again for the photo, dad!)

after i got home, L had pt and then it was naptime! and by this, i mean naptime for me. woo hoo. thanks to my sweet husband who watched the two big kids for an hour.

this afternoon, D and K did some coloring with the handouts i brought home from their CBS class. they each made three wise men.

here are the wise men placed next to "daddy and mommy," made by D.

one of the songs they've learned at CBS is:
"i'm h-a-p-p-y,
i'm h-a-p-p-y,
i'm glad i came to Bible study,
i'm h-a-p-p-y"

but of course, K sings it like this:
"i'm h-i-p-p-y,
i'm h-i-p-p-y,
i'm glad i came to Bible study,
i'm h-i-p-p-y"

she'll probably get it right one of these days.
or, she'll just start listening to the doors.

the kids and i had "macamoni" (which is what K calls it) and cheese since B was gone for the night. for D's birthday last month, he requested macaroni and cheese. i made my homemade dish and he cried and refused to take
one. single. bite.
what he wanted was the boxed mac and cheese from trader joe's.

B and I are going to attempt to watch this again tonight. the first night, we got too late of a start and last night, L was not being cooperative.
away i go.

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