Friday, January 1, 2010


after a very scary nine-day stay in the hospital for our sweet little L where he stopped breathing twice, slept in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit), had an IV put in his head and got released on Christmas morning:

we have decided to hibernate.

L suffered from a respiratory infection called RSV which his big sis K so lovingly gave him. because of his age and medical conditions, he is at a higher risk of having complications from viruses such as RSV. we are grateful that this hospital stay ended after just nine days and that he was not put on a ventilator (which could have been necessary).

even though the docs say that all i can do to protect my baby from RSV is do what i have been doing -- incessantly wash our hands and use antibacterial gel when we're out -- i know i can do more.

there will not be any playdates, sunday school, bible class or birthday parties for our kids for two months. the goal is to keep our kids away from other kids until we get through most of the flu season. the good news is that since we've got three kids it will certainly not be a boring two months, we will just be home
a. lot.
for two whole months.

the kids don't know yet and i'm contemplating not telling them but hoping that this adventure is so fun that they don't realize what they're missing. this puts pressure on me to make this time extra fun. i love a good challenge.

in order to not go insane and because i so dearly love to take photos, i have decided to use this blog to document life going just about nowhere for two whole months.

the rules:
1. mom is allowed to leave the house to run errands or socialize
2. D + K are allowed to run errands with mom, if necessary
3. L is definitely not allowed to run errands
4. adults may come over to socialize, but not children
5. we can go on outings like parks and other outdoor places just as long as they are vacant
(i'll probably think of more as we go along... i like rules.)


  1. I LOVE this! This blog will be a good release for you as well as potentially a source for good suggestions from loving friends and family of fun things to do while in isolation!
    Maybe Papa & Grammary can help more too.......

  2. We have contemplated doing the very same thing! Our little Claire doesn't have any medical issues, but since she just turned 3 months I am a nervous wreck about her getting sick. We all currently have a bad cold, and I am seriously thinking about hibernating until April. Since it is currently 22 degrees outside, there isn't much motivation to leave the house.

  3. Great start. I love rules too! Hey it's only 2 mos.

  4. hill-- the story of a's life!! honestly, we had most of these "rules" in place after she was born - esp before surgery. at one point, NO kids were allowed around her...and it totally worked. i ate at restaurants OUTSIDE away from others and met people usually in outdoor places. YOU CAN DO THIS. and L will be okay. love this blog and LOVE your photos. i have an awesome'll have to give me a lesson! xo

  5. This is awesome Hill! A truly creative way to survive this adventure and a great way to document so you can always remember what will end up being a very precious time for your family. The pics are great and your story is inspiring :) If I can ever come by without the boys I'll let you know. In the meantime, we'll be praying for all of you and checking in to keep up on all your home-life news. Blessings! XO
    Karen Lee

  6. So good, really impressed with your mommy skills and boundary-setting. Praying for you all and L especially.

  7. Whitney Hollar-SturmJanuary 31, 2010 at 11:56 PM


    You are amazing. You are inspiring. Through God, anything is possible...and you are living proof. What you are doing with your kids, they will look back on with these photos someday, and truely thank you for being such a wonderful Mom. They are blessed, just as much as you are.

    Dayna had RSV when she was 5 months old (caught it from someone at her daycare- the 1 day she went a week- and the last time she ever went!). It is a very scarey thing to go through with an infant and although our situation never got as traumatic and scarey as yours (we were only in the hospital 1 night, then on nebulizers for 6 weeks)- I can only imagine.

    I haven't seen you in years...but am sure glad I can keep up with you and that I can learn from you. You remind me that every moment, is a special one, and that time goes so quick, I should relish every opportunity to play with my little girl.

    May your next 30 days be filled with joy...and some rest!

